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SBA Clarifies PPP Rules for Self Employed Borrowers

SBA Clarifies PPP Rules for Self Employed Borrowers

If you’re a freelancer or other self-employed person wondering if you’ll get forgiveness for loans taken out under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), yesterday brought good news. The SBA filed […]

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U.S. May Retail Sales Surge +17.7%

U.S. May Retail Sales Surge

Retail sales shattered already-lofty expectations for May as consumers freed from the coronavirus-induced lockdowns began shopping again. The 17.7% headline gain including food sales easily topped the previous record from […]

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Fed to Start Buying Individual Corporate Bonds

Fed to Start Buying Individual Corporate Bonds

The Federal Reserve is expanding its foray into corporate credit to now buy individual corporate bonds, on top of the exchange-traded funds it already is purchasing, the central bank announced […]

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Wolf Announces 8 More Counties to Move Into Green Phase

Wolf Announces 8 More Counties to Move Into Green Phase

Governor Tom Wolf today announced that eight more counties will move to the green phase of reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, June 19. These counties […]

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Murphy Announces More NJ Business Reopenings

Murphy Announces More NJ Business Reopenings

Gov. Phil Murphy, speaking during a Friday news conference, announced more New Jersey reopenings as the coronavirus outbreak’s impact continues to decline. Murphy made the statement as he announced an […]

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Tips for Comparing Parking Lot Paving Proposals

Tips for Comparing Parking Lot Paving Proposals

When reviewing a parking lot paving proposals or maintenance project, the following tips will help ensure you are receiving comparable quotes. If you are comparing an apple to an orange […]

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Fed Predicts Low Interest Rates and GDP Bump

Fed Predicts Low Interest Rates and GDP Bump

The Federal Reserve kept interest rates near zero and indicated that’s where they’ll stay as the economy recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. Along with the rate decision, central bankers projected […]

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Murphy Lifts NJ Stay-At-Home Order

Murphy Lifts NJ Stay-At-Home Order

New Jersey is lifting the stay-at-home order put in place nearly three months ago to slow the spread of the coronavirus as the reopening plan nears Stage 2 with nonessential […]

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Fed Expands Loan Sizes for Main Street Program

Fed Expands Loan Sizes for Main Street Program

As the Federal Reserve prepares to start up its Main Street lending program, it has changed the terms to allow for greater participation. The central bank said Monday it is […]

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Wolf Announces $225M Grant Program for Small Businesses

Wolf Announces $225 Million Grant Program for Small Businesses

Governor Tom Wolf today announced a $225 million statewide grant program to support small businesses that were impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent business closure order. The […]

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5 Charts That Track The Reopening of The Economy

5 Charts That Track The Reopening of The Economy

As states move forward in their reopening progress, Americans have greater opportunity to eat out, shop and even travel. More people have also been able to work, with a record […]

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Murphy Extends Health Emergency 30 Days

Murphy Extends Health Emergency 30 Days

Gov. Phil Murphy said he’s extending the state’s public health emergency stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak for another 30 days, even as the pandemic slows down and restrictions meant to […]

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