How to Encourage Office Creativity

Encourage Office CreativityLet’s look at ways to encourage office creativity. Most people think that working hard is the most effective way of working. However, that is not always the case. A great way to accomplish everything on your to-do list is to do smart work instead of hard work. To encourage office creativity and welcome various thoughts from different channels at the work place, there needs to be a collaborative working environment. Here is a list of activities that will help you achieve maximum levels of creativity within your office.

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1. Arrange for some games that encourage a team-building attitude to encourage office creativity

You should plan a small game for your employees and schedule it once every few weeks. Introduce such games that are to be played between teams. This will help you to educate your staff about the importance and benefits of team work.

2. Entertain employee suggestions to encourage office creativity

You should dedicate an area where employees can come and share their creative thoughts or suggestions. You can hang a notice board in a corner so that the employees may write their thoughts on paper and pin it on the notice board or you can place a suggestion box where employees can raise their concerns without revealing their identity. Make sure that you value their suggestions and reward them for creative ideas.

A notice board is preferable, as the content on the board can be seen by other employees as well and it provides a platform to interact. Employees can pin up suggestions as well as any challenges they are facing while accomplishing any given task. This way they will get input from others to get problems solved. This improves collaboration and teamwork.

If you have a huge office with thousands of employees, you can replace notice boards with digital
collaborative platforms.

3. Encourage brainstorming to encourage office creativity

Brainstorming sessions are the best way to get the creative ideas flowing. Try to make every employee a part of the brainstorming sessions where everyone should be given freedom to express their thoughts.

4. Treat all your employees equally to encourage office creativity

A workplace is full of people with different backgrounds and thoughts. Everyone must be treated equally, and there should not be any bias to any particular group of employees. Plan a few informal get-togethers’ where all the employees gather and spend few hours together irrespective of their designation in the workplace. It is an awesome sight to see the director talking to a trainee and getting to know about him/her; an accounts person talking to a technical person and sharing thoughts; and many more such interactions. This is the sign of a great work culture within an organization.

Creativity is directly linked to the flow of ideas. The better the flow of ideas, the more creative your team will be. Creative resources are the assets of an organization and the creative atmosphere results in the best quality output. Give it a try today and let us know how successful your working environment


Josh Smargiassi: Principal
Boomerang, Inc.
6950 Sherman Lane
Pennsauken, NJ 08110
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