Tips for Comparing Parking Lot Paving Proposals
When reviewing a parking lot paving proposals or maintenance project, the following tips will help... Continue reading→
Fed Predicts Low Interest Rates and GDP Bump
The Federal Reserve kept interest rates near zero and indicated that’s where they’ll stay as... Continue reading→
Murphy Lifts NJ Stay-At-Home Order
New Jersey is lifting the stay-at-home order put in place nearly three months ago to... Continue reading→
Fed Expands Loan Sizes for Main Street Program
As the Federal Reserve prepares to start up its Main Street lending program, it has... Continue reading→
Wolf Announces $225M Grant Program for Small Businesses
Governor Tom Wolf today announced a $225 million statewide grant program to support small businesses... Continue reading→
5 Charts That Track The Reopening of The Economy
As states move forward in their reopening progress, Americans have greater opportunity to eat out,... Continue reading→
Murphy Extends Health Emergency 30 Days
Gov. Phil Murphy said he’s extending the state’s public health emergency stemming from the COVID-19... Continue reading→
Trump Signs New Law Relaxing PPP Rules
In a rare display of bipartisanship, on June 5, 2020, President Trump signed into law... Continue reading→
Unemployment Rate Drops Amid Crisis, Sectors Adding Jobs
The government’s May jobs report stunned Wall Street with the largest number of payrolls gained... Continue reading→
Reopening a Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown
Let’s look at what liabilities to consider when reopening a business after the coronavirus shutdown.... Continue reading→
WCRE Appointed Exclusive Agent to Market Florence L. Walther Elementary School Property
Wolf Commercial Real Estate (WCRE) is pleased to announce that it has been appointed exclusive... Continue reading→
Congress Eases PPP Loan Terms for Small Business
The Senate passed legislation Wednesday night that aims to make changes to the Paycheck Protection... Continue reading→
Wolf Says He’ll Let Stay-at-Home Order End June 4th
Gov. Tom Wolf said he’s going to allow his stay-at-home order to expire as of... Continue reading→
Murphy Says Restaurants Could Open Ahead of Schedule
As New Jersey prepares to allow outdoor dining at eateries starting June 15, Gov. Phil... Continue reading→
Wolf Announces PA School Re-Opening Plan
Pennsylvania elementary and secondary schools in the state’s yellow and green phases can resume in-person... Continue reading→
Murphy Announces $100 Million Rental Assistance Program
The state will provide at least $100 million in assistance to low- and moderate-income renters... Continue reading→
NJ to Enter ‘Stage 2’ of Coronavirus Reopening
Gov. Phil Murphy said he’ll allow restaurants to reopen for outdoor dining and “non-essential” retail... Continue reading→
Atlantic City Casinos May Open Around July 4th
Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday he hopes Atlantic City casinos can be reopened around July... Continue reading→
Murphy Extends Tax Appeal Deadline
Gov. Phil Murphy this week signed legislation that temporarily extends the deadline to file to... Continue reading→
Plan for Phased of Reopening of Philadelphia Businesses
Mayor Jim Kenney on Friday released “Safer at Home,” a plan detailing Philadelphia’s strategy for reopening some... Continue reading→
New PPP Guidance Released Friday Night by Treasury and SBA
Two new Interim Final Rules (IFR): Provides borrowers and lenders guidance on requirements governing the... Continue reading→
Philly Region to Begin Reopening June 5th
The Philly region will move to Gov. Tom Wolf’s “yellow” phase of reopening on June 5.... Continue reading→
Professional Sports Given the Go-Ahead in NJ
Governor Murphy announced Tuesday that his May 22 executive order makes it possible for professional team... Continue reading→
Las Vegas Plans to Reopen Casinos
Las Vegas is set to reopen casinos following its coronavirus lockdown, but guests should not... Continue reading→
NJEDA Approves $50M for Small Business Relief
The New Jersey Economic Development Authority formally approved the roll out of another $50 million... Continue reading→
Fauci Says It’s Time to Reopen the Economy
Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a CNBC interview Friday, said now is the time to reopen... Continue reading→
Murphy Says Groups of 25 May Gather
Gatherings of up to 25 people will now be allowed outdoors — including for church... Continue reading→
NJ Gyms and Salons Could Open in Coming Weeks
Those waiting for a haircut — and to go back to work — in New...
Governor Wolf Signs Cocktails to Go Legislation
Governor Tom Wolf has signed a bill Thursday which allows the temporary sale of cocktails-to-go... Continue reading→
Does Going Solar in 2020 Still Make Sense?
People often ask me, Does going solar in 2020 still make sense? There are three... Continue reading→
PA Reopens Real Estate Businesses
On May 19th, Governor Tom Wolf announced that businesses and employees in the real estate... Continue reading→
Governor Murphy Says NJ in Stage 1 of 4 Stage Reopening
Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday outlined a multi-stage reopening plan for businesses, offices and activities... Continue reading→
PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and Instructions
On Friday, the Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury,... Continue reading→
NJ Beaches to Reopen with Restrictions
Beaches along the Jersey Shore and lakes will be open with some restrictions this summer... Continue reading→
Safe Harbor for PPP Loans Under $2Million
Today, the Treasury Department revised the FAQs for borrowers under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)... Continue reading→
PA Senate Passes Cocktails To Go Legislation
The Pennsylvania State Senate unanimously passed a bill Wednesday afternoon that would allow the sale... Continue reading→
N.J. to Reopen Nonessential Stores for Curbside Pickup
New Jersey will allow nonessential businesses to reopen for curbside pickup and nonessential construction to... Continue reading→
Commercial HVAC Tips for Spring
Hutchinson has helped put together some commercial HVAC tips for Spring for clients of Wolf... Continue reading→
House Unveils New $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill
House Democrats released their latest bill Tuesday designed to blunt the coronavirus pandemic’s devastating effects... Continue reading→
Largest Mall Owner to Open 50% of Centers
The biggest U.S. mall owner, Simon Property Group, said Monday that it plans to have... Continue reading→