WCRE Information Library

Lower Commercial Property Taxes: One Benefit of a Rocky Market

Lower commercial property taxes

Lower commercial property taxes are a silver linin in an otherwise rocky market. The commercial real estate market is, to put it mildly, in a state of transition. Although vacancy […]

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Year End Tax Planning for Commercial Property Owners

year end tax planning tips for property owners

Let’s look at some year end tax planning tips for property owners. The real estate and hospitality industries have gotten very comfortable with the luxury of having 100 percent bonus […]

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The Inflation Reduction Act: Incentives for Solar

The Inflation Reduction Act Incentives for Solar

On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The bill, known as the “IRA”, codifies the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) at 30% for 10 years […]

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After a series of deferrals, the new standard for leases, Topic 842, is here. Your organization may be unsure how this will affect your day-to-day activities, but I can assure […]

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Retail Trends that Caused Changes in Commercial Real Estate

Retail Trends

Retail trends and consumer behavior have changed since before the pandemic. Yet, specific changes have accelerated in adoption as the globe moves through a post-pandemic world. Now, major opportunities exist […]

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Understanding Commercial Lease Options

Commercial Lease Options

Let’s look at commercial lease options. You might think that leasing a commercial property is a straightforward process. You visit a place, sign a lease, and start operating your business […]

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IRS Penalties to be Forgiven for 2020-2019 Tax Years

IRS Penalties to be Forgiven for 2020-2019 Tax Years

Do you have IRS penalties stemming from a late 2019-2020 tax filing for yourself or your business? On Wednesday August 24th, the Internal Revenue Service issued Notice 2022-36, providing penalty […]

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Work From Home Safety

Work From Home Safety

Work from home safety has become a larger concern more than ever. With more people working from home because of the pandemic, there’s more concern about cybercrime, data security and […]

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Preparing Tenants for Renovations: Limiting Disruptions

Preparing Tenants for Renovations

Preparing tenants for renovations is a crucial part of owning a building. Providing quality workspace is a commercial building owner’s top priority. Summer months require preparation as much as winter, […]

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New Jersey Real Property Tax Exemption Overview

New Jersey Real Property Tax Exemption Overview

New Jersey offers real property tax exemptions for certain religious organizations, schools and other charitable entities (each an “Eligible Entity”). To apply for exemption, an Eligible Entity must submit an […]

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Sponsorship vs. Advertising: Know the Difference to Save Tax Dollars

Sponsorship vs. Advertising

If you were to randomly poll a hundred people about the difference between a sponsorship and advertising, most would probably say they’re the same. But in the world of nonprofit […]

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Tips For Those Who Pay Or Should Pay Estimated Taxes

Tips For those who pay or should pay estimated taxes

Depending on what you do for a living and what your spouse may be earning, you may have income that is not subject to withholding. It’s possible that you may […]

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