Renewable Energy and the Pennsylvania Fossil Fuel Industry

Renewable Energy and the Pennsylvania Fossil Fuel Industry

Let’s examine the barriers to renewable energy in Pennsylvania and how they are directly tied to the fossil fuel industries. The rise in popularity of renewable energy sources such as […]

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Cooling Off as the Delta Variant Strikes

Signs are mounting that economic conditions are softening, putting economic growth at risk of moderation. Several reports measuring consumer behavior, business activity, and the housing market released last week showed […]

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When Your Tenant is a Healthcare Provider

When Your Tenant is a Healthcare Provider

As a result of an aging population and evolving retail landscape, healthcare leasing has become an attractive option for many commercial landlords. These commercial landlords should familiarize themselves with some […]

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6 Apps for Busy Business Professionals

6 Apps for Busy Business Professionals

Let’s look at some apps to help you increase workplace productivity. As a business owner, it can be hard to find time to do it all. That’s why we created […]

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What to Do If You Lose Your Job

What to Do If You Lose Your Job

Clients have been recently asking me what to do if you lose your job. You know, when business appraisers like us at Abo Cipolla Financial Forensics prepare valuation reports, we […]

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