WCRE Information Library

Architectural Design Considerations for a Post Pandemic World

Architectural Design Considerations for a Post Pandemic World

Let’s look at architectural design considerations for a post pandemic world. Are you tired of hearing about the “New Normal”? Do you yearn for the “Old Normal”, or fear that […]

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Tips for Comparing Parking Lot Paving Proposals

Tips for Comparing Parking Lot Paving Proposals

When reviewing a parking lot paving proposals or maintenance project, the following tips will help ensure you are receiving comparable quotes. If you are comparing an apple to an orange […]

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Reopening a Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

Reopening a Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

Let’s look at what liabilities to consider when reopening a business after the coronavirus shutdown. As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have an unprecedented effect on daily life, many […]

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Does Going Solar in 2020 Still Make Sense?

Does Going Solar in 2020 Still Make Sense

People often ask me, Does going solar in 2020 still make sense? There are three (3) significant changes that will impact solar for commercial real estate in the mid-Atlantic in […]

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Commercial HVAC Tips for Spring

Commercial HVAC Tips for Spring

Hutchinson has helped put together some commercial HVAC tips for Spring for clients of Wolf Commercial Real Estate. With the winter behind us, there’s no doubt you’re ready for the […]

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Rent is Due But When Will it Be Paid – A Landlord’s Perspective

Commercial Rent Not Being Paid

In a time already referred to as the “retail apocalypse”, the novel coronavirus has brought much of the retail industry to its knees. With stores and restaurants shuttered by government […]

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How to Ensure Forgiveness of Your PPP Loan

How to Ensure Forgiveness of Your PPPP Loan

Now that you have PPP funds, we at Abo and Company want to point out certain steps you should take over the next eight weeks to ensure maximum forgiveness of […]

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Architectural Walls in a Post Coronavirus World

Architectural Walls in a Post Coronavirus World

How our work environments and the use of architectural walls will change due to the COVID‐19 pandemic is changing daily (and sometimes hourly). Since many of you have asked my […]

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Key Income Tax Provisions in the CARES Act

Key Income Tax Provisions in the CARES Act

Let’s look at the key income tax provisions in the CARES Act. While a great deal of attention has been given to the availability of business loans under the Paycheck […]

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Eight Signs that Architectural Walls Might be a Great Fit for Your Office

Architectural Walls Might be a Great Fit for Your Office

Let’s explore architectural walls. Architectural walls create spaces that you need for today and tomorrow. The open transparent space attracts high achievers, while the huddle rooms offer privacy for meetings […]

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(COVID-19 Update) Implications for Landlord-Tenant Relationships

COVID-19 Implications for Landlords and Tenants

In light of COVID-19 and the evolving climate resulting therefrom, Commercial and Residential Landlords are being presented with difficult decisions necessitating quick response. Everyone agrees health and safety is the […]

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Optional Standard Mileage Rate for Business Use of an Automobile

The IRS has announced that the optional standard mileage rate for business use of an automobile (including vans, pickup trucks and panel trucks) effective January 1, 2020 will be a […]

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