Workplace Fire Evacuation Tips

Being prepared for a fire evacuation emergency is not something that should only concern you at home—you should also be prepared to evacuate while at work. To be ready for a fire evacuation and to stay safe remember the following:

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Fire Evacuation Preparation

Use the following to tips to prepare yourself for a potential fire evacuation:

fire evacuation• Familiarize yourself with your worksite’s emergency fire evacuation plan.
• Know the pathway to at least two exits from every room or area at work.
• Recognize the sound or signaling method of the fire and evacuation alarms.
• Know who to contact in an emergency and how to contact them.
• Know how many desks or cubicles are between your workstation and nearest exits so you can escape in the dark, if necessary.
• Know where the fire evacuation alarms are located and how to use them.
• Report any damaged or malfunctioning safety systems and backup systems.

Evacuating Safely

In order to evacuate the workplace safely, following the tips below:
• Leave the area quickly but orderly, following the worksite’s emergency evacuation plan.
• Go directly to the nearest fire- and smoke-free stairwell, recognizing that in some circumstances the only available exit route may contain smoke or fire.
• Listen carefully for instructions over the building’s public address system.
• Crawl low, under the smoke, to breathe cleaner air.
• Test doors for heat before opening them by placing the back of your hand against the door to avoid burning your palm and fingers.
• Do not open a hot door; find another exit route. If the door feels cool, brace yourself against it and open it slowly.
• Keep designated fire doors closed to slow the spread of smoke and fire.
• Do not use elevators when evacuating a burning building.
• Report to the meeting place designated in the emergency evacuation plan.
• Do not reenter the building unless directed by authorities.

What to Do if You are Trapped

In the case of a fire, following the strategies below can you help you stay safe:
• Stay calm and take steps to protect yourself.
• Go to a room with an outside window and call for help, if possible.
• Stay where rescuers can see you and wave a light-colored cloth to attract attention.
• Open windows if possible, but be ready to shut them if smoke rushes in.
• Stuff clothing, towels or papers around the cracks in doors to prevent smoke from entering the room

brian-blaston-higBrian Blaston
Commercial Lines – Manager
Hardenbergh Insurance Group
phone: 856.489.9100 x 139
fax: 856.673.5955