
Office Landlords Prefer a Type of Tennant

Office Landlords Prefer a Type of Tennant

Many office landlords today are grateful for any lease they can secure to fill vacant space, but they do have preferences. Companies in the legal, banking, finance, and insurance industries […]

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New York Building Sales Come Together

New York Building Sales Come Together

One individual is forging a path through the challenging landscape of today’s investment sales market, inspiring other commercial landlords to follow suit. Wharton Properties’ Jeff Sutton has recently achieved extraordinary […]

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Change to the Bankruptcy Code Protects Landlords

Change to the Bankruptcy Code Protects Landlords

Let’s look at how a temporary change to the bankruptcy code protects landlords. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA), signed into law on December 27, 2020 provides money for […]

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The CARES Act and Commercial Real Estate

The CARES Act and Commercial Real Estate

Signed into law by President Trump last Friday, the CARES Act is designed to provide assistance to American workers, families, businesses, municipalities and health care systems through an over $2 […]

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(COVID-19 Update) Implications for Landlord-Tenant Relationships

COVID-19 Implications for Landlords and Tenants

In light of COVID-19 and the evolving climate resulting therefrom, Commercial and Residential Landlords are being presented with difficult decisions necessitating quick response. Everyone agrees health and safety is the […]

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Bankruptcy Provisions in Commercial Leases

Bankruptcy Provisions in Commercial Leases

Let’s examine what you need to know about bankruptcy provisions in commercial leases. Each property is unique and every relationship has its own contours that will drive the path of […]

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Common Commercial Leasing Mistakes

Common Commercial Leasing Mistakes

Let’s look at 10 common commercial leasing mistakes and how to avoid them. Commercial leasing transactions are among the longest term contracts parties will ever enter into, yet many often […]

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When Your Tenant is a Franchisee

Commercial landlords often view franchisees in well-known franchise systems as attractive retail tenants. Leasing space to a franchisee, however, raises a number of unique issues and may require you, as […]

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Commercial Properties: Who owns the fixtures at lease expiration?

Let’s explore fixtures, trade fixtures and who owns what at lease expiration. In order to facilitate a smooth transition between commercial tenants, it is important for landlords to understand their […]

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When Your Commercial Tenant Files for Bankruptcy

When a commercial tenant files for bankruptcy is not often a surprise to its landlord. Rent payments may arrive late, financial covenants may be missed, and the tenant may become […]

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