
Rising Risk in Office Lease Exposure

Rising Risk in Office Lease Exposure

The long-term nature of office leasing has delayed the market’s adjustment to the changes in office utilization triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing building owners to maintain some income from […]

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The Sought-After Benefit Worth a Salary Reduction

The Sought-After Benefit Worth a Salary Reduction

Since the pandemic, employers are seeking ways to stand out in a competitive hiring landscape. This has led to the popularity of perks like unlimited vacation and sabbaticals, as well […]

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The percentage of individuals working from home has decreased to its lowest point since the pandemic

The percentage of individuals working from home has decreased to its lowest point since the pandemic, standing at 26%, as employers prioritize a return to the traditional office setting.

Less than 26% of U.S. households currently have individuals working remotely for at least one day a week, marking a substantial decline from the peak of 37% in early 2021, […]

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Center City District Says Diversifying Downtown is Key to Philadelphia’s Future

Center City District CEO Paul Levy says diversifying downtown is the key to Philadelphia's future

Three years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Philadelphia’s downtown recovery has both challenges and opportunities. Office buildings have been slow to fill back up while restaurants have rebounded. […]

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U.S. Return-to-Office Rates Hit Pandemic High as More Employers Get Tougher

US Return to Work Rate Increases

Workers are returning to U.S. offices at the highest rate since the pandemic forced most workplaces to temporarily close in 2020, as infection rates continue to fall and more companies intensify efforts to bring […]

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REITs likely to see slowdown amid changing economy but positive growth still expected

Financial Reporting Property Management

Revenue growth for U.S. REITs is likely to slow over the next two years because of inflation and rising interest rates, say Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC analysts. Michael […]

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How Office Use Is Evolving the Urban Core

Most Desirable Features In An Office Space

The pandemic has catalyzed an undeniable change in office use, but many companies still have questions and uncertainties about how these changes will take shape and how to plan workplace […]

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Office demand in major US markets rises in March but ‘too early to tell’ long-term

office design

At least one tracker of office-market demand in major U.S. markets shows an improvement in March, after five months of stagnation. VTS Inc.’s VTS Office Demand Index, or VODI, grew […]

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Economic Momentum Weakens as US Enters the New Year

As the Federal Reserve signals its intention to raise interest rates soon to battle rising inflation, it’s been easy to overlook how well the economy performed over the past year […]

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Announced Store Closings in 2021 Approach an All-Time Low

Despite rising cases of breakthrough coronavirus infections and the resulting uncertainty over the efficacy of current vaccines against variants, the retail property market shows impressive signs of recovery at year-end.  […]

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The 6 Storylines That Defined 2021 In Philadelphia CRE

construction software

Though Philadelphia is finishing 2021 with the pandemic in as serious a state as it was when the year began, the city’s commercial real estate industry experienced a year of progress in […]

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Zombie Office Buildings on the Rise As Pandemic Endures

In the good times leading up to the first quarter of 2020, the number of office properties written off as vacant “zombies” had largely dwindled in size across most major […]

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