Philly industrial space

Banks Ease Lending Standards for CRE Loans

For the first time in nearly three years, U.S. banks report they have loosened their lending requirements for some types of commercial real estate loans. The latest Federal Reserve survey […]

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Shopping Center Closures Near 100 Million Square Feet

Retailers are focusing on their top-performing locations and shedding marginal stores with announced closures so far in 2018 totaling nearly 100 million square feet as demand for mall and shopping […]

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CRE Loan Prices Compress as Lending Competition Increases

Despite record liquidity, demand for commercial real estate loans softened in recent months, leaving eager lenders chasing fewer borrowers. As a result, competition among lenders has ratcheted up noticeably with […]

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Outlet Center CRE Market Will Weather Nine West Closures

The recent Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization filing of shoe and apparel wholesaler Nine West Holdings Inc. focused the retail spotlight on the outlet center segment of the commercial real estate […]

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New Fed Chair Expects Inflation Rate to Move Higher

In a widely expected but still worrisome move for commercial real estate investors and financial markets, the Federal Reserve Bank recently raised the federal funds rate a quarter point from […]

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Playtime Is Over; Toys R Us Closes Its Remaining 735 Stores Nationwide

Beloved by kids and landlords, but largely shunned by consumers this past holiday shopping season, Toys R Us has officially announced it is winding down operations and closing 735 stores, […]

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Issues of Declining Occupancy, Rising Rent Spread to Top Properties

Even the best-performing and most well-located U.S. malls and shopping centers are beginning to feel the pinch of flat-lining rent growth and a vacancy uptick as e-commerce continues to take […]

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Expected Interest Rate Increases This Year Remain Top CRE Concern

Rising interest rates remain the top concern for commercial real estate executives this year, with 80 percent of respondents in a sentiment survey by a Chicago law firm expecting law […]

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Largest U.S. Banks Shrinking Commercial Real Estate Loan Balances

The nation’s 25 largest banks, which collectively control more than $11 trillion in assets, reduced their exposure to commercial real estate loans across the board last month, reflecting an ongoing […]

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CRE Pricing Trends Continue to Hold Despite Transaction Slowdown

Healthy economic growth combined with steady demand and favorable interest rates provided a backdrop for continued growth in CRE pricing through the final quarter and the full year of 2017, […]

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Growth Expected Throughout National Office Space Market in 2018

The U.S. office market continued to benefit from strong fundamentals going into 2018, despite continued deceleration in net absorption, occupancy, and rental rate growth. With robust corporate profits and continued […]

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Banks Close Record Number of Branches in 2017

Somewhat lost in the wave of store closure announcements last year was news that another major user of retail space abandoned a record amount of square footage. U.S. banks accelerated […]

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